Monday, March 24, 2014

Preaching the Gospel 3 by 3

Hey Everyone!

This has been a pretty crazy week because on Wednesday in the morning, we got a new companion.  Elder Gutierrez is from Bolivia and was serving in a mission in Venezuela, but there have been some problems with the government there apparantly so, they pulled all of the foreign missionaries out and sent them to other missions throughout South America.  So, we've been in a trio since Wednesday working here in our sector.  It's pretty interesting to serve a mission in a companionship of three, it's a lot more fun but difficult to teach, so we took advantage of the situation and did a lot of splits with Julio, our ward mission leader, so we were able to teach a ton of first lessons this week.  It's awesome because he knows just about everyone in Rio Bueno and we went to a few people who had visited with missionaries before and are really great, I'm excited to see what happens this next week!

This Wednesday we have transfers and sadly, both of my companions are leaving and I will have a new companion, Elder Walker. I don't know anything about him other than that he is gringo which will be interesting after being with two latinos for a week haha.

So as for our investigators, its been a pretty good week.  We haven't been able to see Felipe and Jessica this week and they didn't go to church yesterday either, so their baptismal date fell.  We have an appointment this week so we'll see what happens, they need to make a decision as to whether they want to be together or not and act on that decision, get married or separate.  Hernan and Carolina are about in the same situation, we had a family home evening with them and talked about how things are going. Hernan wants to work things out by Carolina is pretty much fed up and doesn't want to give him another chance.  They also need to make a decision as to what they want to do and just do it.

If there is anything I have learned so far in the mission is the importance of obedience.  I have seen over and over again the consequences of disobedience to the commandments of God.  It always make me think of the scripture in Alma that says that "wickedness never was happiness."  Obedience to the laws of God always lead us to the safe path in life every time.  Disobedience always brings about sadness and difficult problems in our lives.  What a blessing it is to have a Heavenly Father that loves us enough to tell us the way that will lead us to happiness.

Thats about it for today.  Thanks everyone for your support and love, it really helps a lot, have a great week!

Love, Elder Dower

Questions of the week.

So, now for the questions.

1.  What fun/interesting experience sticks out in your mind this week?
Honestly, this whole week has been fun with our trio, I can't think of anything in particular.
2.  What spiritual experience sticks out this week?
Hmm, I honestly can't think of one moment.  But after one of our lessons yesterday, I realized how much I have progressed in my ablitly to speak the language and teach with the Spirit which was really great.
3.  Any Pictures?
I just got my camera charged so I promise I will send some next week.
4.  Have you started exercising more? (Brian told me that you asked him for some quick exercising ideas)
Haha, its just that in the morning when I'm really tired its hard to get motivation to exercise so I thought that if I have a plan it would be easier to have more motivation in the mornings.
5.  Do you walk or ride the bus the most?
We walk pretty much everywhere within our sector, if we need to go to La UniĆ³n or Osorno we take a bus.
6.  What was the favorite thing you ate this last week?
Sopaipillas, which are like scones, our mamita makes them with guacamole really good.
7.  How many people did you talk to this week? (you have mentioned that you are trying to open your mouth more and speak to everyone)
We haven't been really good at keeping count this week in our trio, but we are focusing on it more, I'll let you know for this next week.
8.  How many people came to church this week?
O I forgot to mention that in my other email, we had Miguel, you is 15 years old and finally came for the first time, we'll try to put him with date this week
9.  Anyone new to church this week?
See number 9 haha
10.  How are your contacts progressing?
We taught a ton of first lesson this last week (12) so we have a lot to visit this week.

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