Monday, April 20, 2015

Crazy Monday

Hey everyone! Wow it's been a crazy day today.  I'll just start off telling you the story.  So every Monday in the morning we have to send the mission office the report on our zone.  This morning we went to the church like usual to send it but it just so happened that today of all days the internet was out.  So we went to a ciber to send it, but the ciber doesn't have excel.  So we had to run back to the church, do the report in excel then run back to the ciber to try to send it.  Then we realized that my flash drive had a virus and we weren't able to open the file.  Then we ran to a member to see if he can fix the virus.  Luckily, it worked and we sent the report.  Until about 10 minutes ago the APs called and said that we sent last weeks report. So I know that sounds really lame, but I just wanted to explain why I'm so stressed at the moment, but o well, now that our p day is almost done we're finally all good.

We've had a really good week, starting last Monday.  We had divisions while I stayed with the ward mission leader in his house to have a family home evening with a family that is reactivating, my companion went with the elders quorum president to visit a part member family of a 17 year old recent convert of almost a year and his mom.  We've been visiting the mom for most of my time here and she's been really receptive up to the moment when you mention "baptism."  With Elder McDonald we decided to stop passing by very much and give her some time.  On Monday, she accepted a baptismal date for the 16 of May.  It's a really awesome miracle and the whole ward is super excited for her.

Yesterday was an awesome Sunday, we had four less active families in church that we've been working with and we're really excited to see the progress in the work.

That's weird that it's just barely starting to snow in April.  It looks like the weather is really wierd all over the place because here, it's just barely starting to get rainy here, but it should have started a couple of months ago, I'm hoping it will hold out like two more months, but I doubt it.  We are about to get all of the firewood bought which went well.  We're focusing more as a zone on helping the members be more spiritually strong and in activation so that the members can continue working in the same work even after we have left.  Have a great week., talk to you next week!

Thanks everyone for the support and prayers have a great week!

Elder Cameron Dower

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