Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Weekly Update

Hey! Hope you have all had a great week.  I'm really happy with the week that we've had down here.  We're seeing miracles everywhere and I'm excited to see the progress in our sector.

First off, just so everyone knows, the church is going to start a huge campaign with a new video for easter called "Because He Lives" we're really excited to use it in the mission.  The video comes out on March 27th I believe so everyone (who is not a missionary that is) needs to share it on Facebook or Twitter or whatever you use to communicate with the world.  Just so you know :)

This week we had exchanges with the assistants to the president.  It's always fun to learn from them and see how we can help the zone from different points of view.  I got to work with Elder Crotzer, who replaced me when I left Rio Bueno so it was fun to hear about what happened after I left.  It was also cool to have my Syracuse West Stake buddy, Elder Jacobson with us one last time before he ends his mission at the end of this transfer.  To end the exchanges we had some fun and went to the plaza of Valdivia where Elder Bustamante played his guitar and Elder Crotzer played the violin and we did some sweet contacts.

This week was also our ward conference which was great.  Normally, every Saturday we get together as a ward and go out to visit people to invite them to church the next day.  This week we had to go to Paillaco, a little town about 45 minutes outside of Valdivia, to do a baptismal interview so we couldn't go.  Fifteen (normally about four or five members show up besides us) members showed up to go visit people and we had sixty five people in our sacrament meeting yesterday.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot when I come from a ward of like 300 attendance, but it's like twenty more than usually show up, so we're really happy about that.

Hey have more faith in the U! I want to know how the game with Duke goes.

I'm really excited for conference in the next couple weeks.  I feel like we just barely had the last one. Time is going by too fast!  It scares me.  Not that I'm "trunky" or anything, but I'm scared that the next three months will go by too fast and I won't have taken advantage of my time left here on the mission.  How did you handle the final months of your mission? I just feel like I have so much to do in so little time.

We have these next two weeks left in the transfer (it's gone by way too fast) I'm not sure what will happen, I only have two left after this one so I feel like this one will decide how I finish my mission, if I go, that's where I'll end, if I stay, I think I'll end here.

Well that's about it for this week, hope everyone has a great week.  You are the best!

Elder Cameron Dower

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